Please Note: We will be closing early at 12 PM on Tuesday, December 24th and will be fully closed on Wednesday, December 25th in observance of Christmas!
Veterinary Resources

Pet Sitters in Maiden, NC

We know how important it is for your pet to be properly cared for when you are out of town or not home. Some of the reliable Pet Sitters in Maiden, NC, are listed below.

Pet Sitters

My Herd and Home Rachel

Pet and House/Farm Sitting
(Lincolnton, Iron Station, and Stanley Area)
Phone: 704-648-3718

Sailview In-Home Pet Care

In-Home Pet Care
Phone: 704-962-9529

Queen Magnolia Pet Sitting Co.

Caitlin Kreshon
Phone: 704-860-3640

Wagz’n Whiskers Pet Sitting

(Cornelius, Huntersville, Davison Area)
Phone: 704-615-6566

Peace, Love & Fetch
Megan Anthony

Phone: 704-813-5710

Peace of Mind – Sophie Hill

Phone: 704-578-1977

Wendy Sutton – ELAH Technician

Phone: 704-214-1384

Brooklynn Morris – ELAH Technician

Phone: 704-530-8879

Elise Skellie

Phone: 704-609-6997